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发布日期:2025-01-04 11:47    点击次数:64
重磅消息!【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!温馨提示:本项目参观样板间采取预约制〢看房提前预约!2号线沿线、浦东500万级仅有的综合体新房:陆家嘴锦绣云澜今日开启认购。项目本次将推售约98㎡户型,均价仅约61641元/㎡。作为2号线沿线集住宅、商业、办公于一体的综合体项目,这个项目的入市引起了广泛的讨论。有不少小伙伴在后台私信,项目的这一批房源究竟值得买吗?性价比如何?为此,我们做了一次深度的分析:本批次推出的楼栋价值本批次项目推出了1#、16#,毛坯和精装各一栋楼。来看具体位置:其中精装的1#位于社区的最南侧,南向的采光几乎无遮挡。毛坯的16#位于社区的北侧,【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!南侧就是楼王。两栋楼之间的楼间距高达约65米左右,并且楼下即中央景观轴线。换句话说,这两栋楼的南向都几乎无遮挡!小胖看房也特意测算了一下项目春秋的日照采光,事实证明,这两栋楼的每一户采光都表现优异!【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!免责:上述日照分析是专业规划师按照项目规划设计方案所作,不代表实际的日照,仅供参考。价格分析先来看全套一房一价表:其中有几点值得一提:第一,本次推售的两栋房源中,毛坯房源均价仅约6.07万/㎡、精装房源均价约6.25万/㎡。这批房源不管是在浦东还是在整个社区内部,都是性价比非常高的。第二,本批次推出了约98㎡房源中最后的67套毛坯房源,总价约499万起(房号:29-101)。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!600万左右甚至可以买到11楼的房源。这个价格放在唐镇或川沙的其他楼盘中,就连1楼都很难有机会。第三,虽然精装房源的主力价位段在600万级。但6楼以下的房源大部分都是约500万级的,甚至有约530万左右的捡漏房源。而在8-12楼左右的房源总价也只有约600-620万左右,这个价格的性价比在这个地段上,真的称得上是错过不再的。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!户型分析产品方面,项目三期将推出建面约98㎡毛坯3+X房户型、建面约98㎡精装3房户型。有一点先跟大家分享下:这三个户型的得房率都在约80%左右。如今上海超高层频出,新房的普遍得房率一降再降。在浦东约500万级的市场中,得房率普遍都在约73%左右。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!但陆家嘴锦绣云澜的得房率足足有约80%。什么概念呢?也就是说,【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!陆家嘴锦绣云澜室内的各个空间,其实都要比同级别新房更大。这多出来了约6.86㎡房源,直接为业主省下了约44万的真金白银。这个得房率带来的性价比,遥遥领先同级别。其中毛坯王炸户型是收官加推,总价约500万级。这个户型对于浦东而言,绝对是绝无仅有的产品。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!不管是从性价比、居住舒适度、尺度感、实用性来看,这个户型几乎都是完美的。附样板间视频:小胖看房,赞3小胖看房,赞4具体来看:第一,建面约98㎡3+X房户型。正常的一套建面约98㎡的3房2卫,其实属于紧凑型产品。但得益于高得房率,陆家嘴锦绣云澜相比其他新房,各个卧室空间都要更加宽绰。另外,还有一个“X”空间。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!这个空间不管是用作收纳、主人的衣帽间、孩子的游乐天地又或者是打造了一个小型的电竞房等,都是极佳的选择。这是其他约98㎡3房2卫产品所没有的实用性。第二,创新横厅+双联阳台。厨房餐厅以及客厅相连搭配超大飘窗,不仅动线合理,还能保证整体室内的充足采光。再加上南向的双联阳台,整个室内的采光、通风视野,都做到了极致。最后,还有细节方面的主卧套房设计,保证主人的私密空间、客卫干湿分离,保证室内始终干燥...【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!整个户型的居住舒适度和性价比在全市约500万级产品中,都称得上数一数二。除此之外,项目还有建面约98㎡3房三开间朝南户型,这个户型的设计同样出众。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!这两个户型是标准的三开间朝南、动静分离户型,南侧的采光面尺度感非凡,加上横跨客厅、次卧的宽面阳台,这个户型的采光通透度非常出众。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!值得一提的是,项目是不封阳台的,也就是说如此豪横的宽面阳台,有一半面积均是赠送,这个性价比可想而知。另外,主卧套房设计,带步入式的衣帽间以及卫浴,保证了主人的私密空间。这个户型不管是私密性、采光度、性价比还是舒适度,在约600万级的这个档位中都是非常出众的。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!社区分析在如今上海各大新房还在拿着效果图让客户自行“想象未来”时,陆家嘴锦绣云澜的实景示范区已经开放。一方面,【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!实景呈现意味着客户它不再是期待,而是兑现成可见的现实,让买房更加安心。另外一方面,实景呈现也代表着陆家嘴集团对于项目产品力的强烈自信。实景图项目特邀亚洲人居环境与生活方式的引领者及缔造者——goa大象设计担纲打造;特邀国际知名景观设计公司——泛亚国际执笔。这都是国际一线的豪宅项目缔造者。也只有陆家嘴集团愿意如此大手笔的邀请如此重磅的设计公司,一同参与设计和规划川沙新的人居天际线。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!而项目建筑采用简洁明快的“新海派”风格,这让人眼前一亮的精致外立面,会成为业主未来身份的象征。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!实景图在景观打造方面,项目风格是新海派风格,特点是延续海派文化的典雅格调。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!整个社区采用“一环”“两轴”“三园”“六院”的空间结构,既讲究传统和对称的美感,又有现代的舒适和尺度,尽情的展现现代海派的精致人居空间。实景图一环:一条长约500m,宽约1.5m的双跑道,在高氧森林环型跑道中,可以感受四季转换,看云卷云舒。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!两轴:横贯社区的两条礼宾郡轴,尊享多重轴线礼序回归。实景图三园:锦林园—云麓园—溪山园,三重美学园,休闲会客两相宜。六院:多院落式分布,是记忆是生活,更多的是家的温暖。实景图居住氛围分析【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!本次陆家嘴锦绣云澜作为陆家嘴集团再一次深耕川沙的又一“锦绣系”力作,项目整体承袭“锦绣系”内核基因,打造了一个包括川沙企业中心、川沙九六广场、陆家嘴锦绣云澜的全新综合体。并且,陆家嘴打造的约52万方综合体由一条空中连廊无缝链接川沙九六广场与锦绣云澜,从家到商场形成专属归家动线。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!这座商场将承袭世纪大道九六广场的优质基因,或将引进奥乐奇超市、一线连锁餐饮、亲子娱乐等,集结川沙首店的强大阵容,引领片区商业新纪元。(九六广场效果图)一方面,这意味着未来业主将享受下楼即繁华商业的便捷,非常难得!另外一方面,【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!一个有口皆碑的商业会吸引周边居民来此逛街、消费,长此以往就很容易形成区域中心,形成口碑和IP。陆家嘴锦绣云澜也会被贴上“区域中心之上住宅”的标签,自然与其它项目不同。示意图【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!陆家嘴集团赋能美好生活聚焦打造“陆家嘴大朋友圈”产业生态。实现办公、商业、酒店、文化、会展、体育等业态资源的共享礼遇专属权益,尊享舒心人生。凡陆家嘴锦绣云澜、锦绣观澜业主可享川沙九六广场专属福利。同时,【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!凡购买陆家嘴集团旗下销售的商品房新房,可享陆家嘴乐居所有租赁住宅优惠名额。(包括陆家嘴、前滩、御桥、张江区域等全系租赁住宅,具体租赁流程及相应条件详询案场营销顾问。)这样的产业生态,也只有与浦东共成长的陆家嘴集团才有底气做到。除此之外,陆家嘴锦绣云澜位于川沙首站,距离川沙站直线约750米,步行可达!(数据来源:百度地图)【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!距离项目直线约1000米范围内拥有百联川沙购物广场、绿地东海岸国际广场、家乐福等多个大型醇熟商业配套,可满足日常购物消费需求。【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!整个项目的产品力在整个浦东绝对是佼佼者,尤其是实景示范区的开放,更加的证明了这一点。再加上本批推出的房源不管是楼栋位置、采光、户型还是价格都非常具有优势,陆家嘴锦绣云澜真的不得不看!【陆家嘴锦绣云澜】售楼处电话:400-960-1817(售楼中心)引领时代的作品!Big news! 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! Warm tips: This project to visit the model room to take the reservation system 〢 house reservation in advance! Lujiazui Beautiful Yunlan, the only complex new house of Class 5 million in Pudong along Line 2, opens subscription today. The project will be promoted to sell about 98 square meters of units, the average price is only about 61641 yuan/square meters.As a residential, commercial and office complex project along Line 2, the project's entry into the market has aroused extensive discussion.There are many small partners in the background private message, the project of this batch of housing is worth buying? How about cost performance?To that end, we did an in-depth analysis:The value of the buildings launched in this batchThis batch of projects launched 1#, 16#, blank and hardcover each building. Take a look at the specific location:One of the hardcover 1# is located on the southernmost side of the community, and the southern lighting is almost unobstructed.Blank 16# is located in the north side of the community, [Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan] sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading The Times of the works! To the south is the building King. The spacing between the two buildings is about 65 meters, and the downstairs is the central landscape axis.In other words, the south facing of both buildings is almost unobstructed!Little fat house also specially calculated the project spring and autumn daylight, it turns out that each of the two buildings lighting performance excellent! 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Disclaimer: The above sunshine analysis is made by professional planners in accordance with the project planning and design scheme, does not represent the actual sunshine, for reference only.Price analysisFirst look at the full one room one price table:A few of them are worth mentioning:First, in the two houses for sale this time, the average price of rough houses is only about 60,700 /㎡, and the average price of hardcover houses is about 62,500 /㎡.This batch of housing, whether in Pudong or in the entire community, is very cost-effective.Second, this batch launched the last 67 sets of rough housing in about 98 square meters of housing, with a total price of about 4.99 million (room number: 29-101). 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!6 million or so can even buy a house on the 11th floor.This price in Tangzhen or Chuansha other real estate, even the first floor is difficult to have a chance.Third, although the main price segment of hardcover housing is at the 6 million level.However, most of the houses below the 6th floor are about 5 million, and even about 5.3 million leak houses.The total price of houses on the 8-12 floors is only about 6-6.2 million, and the cost performance of this price is really missed in this lot. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!House type analysisIn terms of products, the third phase of the project will launch about 98 square meters of blank 3+X room type, about 98 square meters of hardcover 3 room type.There is a point to share with you first: the housing rate of these three units is about 80%.Now Shanghai super high-rise frequent, the general rate of new housing has fallen again and again. In the Pudong market of about 5 million, the housing rate is generally about 73%. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!But Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan housing rate of about 80%. What is the concept?That is to say, [Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading the era of works! Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan indoor space, in fact, are larger than the same level of new homes. This more than about 6.86 square meters of housing, directly for the owners to save about 440,000 real money.The price/performance ratio brought by this housing rate is far ahead of the same level.Among them, the blank king is the final addition, and the total price is about 5 million. This apartment is an absolutely unique product for Pudong. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Whether it is from the point of view of cost performance, living comfort, scale, practicality, this unit is almost perfect.Video of sample room:Little fat looking at the house, Like 3Little fat looking at the house, Like 4Specifically:First, the building surface of about 98㎡3+X room type.A normal set of 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms with a building surface of about 98 square meters is actually a compact product.However, thanks to the high room rate, Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan compared with other new homes, each bedroom space is more generous.In addition, there is an "X" space.【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! This space is an excellent choice whether it is used as storage, the owner's cloakroom, the children's playground or to create a small e-sports room.This is other about 98 square meters of 3 rooms and 2 sanitary products do not have the practicability.Second, innovative horizontal hall + double balcony.The kitchen, dining room and living room are connected with a large bay window, which not only has a reasonable moving line, but also ensures sufficient lighting for the entire interior.Coupled with the south-facing double balconies, the lighting and ventilation vision of the entire interior have been achieved.Finally, there are details of the master bedroom suite design, to ensure that the master's private space, guest and health dry and wet separation, to ensure that the room is always dry. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!The living comfort and cost performance of the entire unit are among the city's about 5 million products, which can be called one of the best.In addition, the project has a construction surface of about 98 square meters, 3 rooms, three rooms facing the south, the design of this unit is also outstanding. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!These two units are standard three rooms facing south, dynamic and dynamic separation units, the southern side of the daylighting surface scale sense is extraordinary, coupled with the wide balcony across the living room, the second bedroom, the daylighting permeability of this unit is very outstanding. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!It is worth mentioning that the project is not sealed balcony, that is to say, such a bold wide balcony, half of the area are given away, this cost can be imagined.In addition, the master suite design, with a walk-in closet and bathroom, to ensure the privacy of the owner.Whether it is privacy, lighting, cost performance or comfort, this unit is very outstanding in this gear of about 6 million. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Community analysisIn today's major new houses in Shanghai are still holding renderings to let customers "imagine the future", Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan real scene demonstration area has been opened.On the one hand, [Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading the era of works! The reality presentation means that the customer is no longer expecting it, but cashing it into a visible reality, making the house more comfortable. On the other hand, the real scene presentation also represents Lujiazui Group's strong confidence in the product power of the project.Reality picturegoa Elephant Design, the leader and founder of human settlement environment and lifestyle in Asia, was specially invited to build the project.Invited the internationally renowned landscape design company - Fanya International to write.This is the international front line of luxury housing project creators.Only Lujiazui Group is willing to invite such a heavy design company to participate in the design and planning of Chuansha's new human settlement skyline. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!The project architecture adopts a simple and bright "new Shanghai" style, which makes people's eyes bright and delicate facade, will become a symbol of the owner's future identity. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Reality pictureIn terms of landscape construction, the project style is new Shanghai style, characterized by the continuation of the elegant style of Shanghai culture.【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! The whole community adopts the spatial structure of "one ring", "two axes", "three gardens" and "six courtyards", which not only pays attention to the traditional and symmetrical beauty, but also has modern comfort and scale, and enjoys the exquisite living space of modern Shanghai school.Reality pictureOne ring: a double runway about 500m long and 1.5m wide. In the high-oxygen forest ring runway, you can feel the four seasons and see the clouds. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!Two axes: Two concierge axes across the community, enjoy the multi-axis ritual regression.Reality pictureThree parks: Jinlin Garden - Yunlu Garden - Xishan Garden, three aesthetic garden, leisure meeting two suitable.Six courtyards: multi-courtyard distribution, memory is life, more is the warmth of home.Reality pictureLiving atmosphere analysis【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! This Lujiazui Brocade Yunlan is another "brocade system" masterpiece of Lujiazui Group once again to deeply cultivate Chuansha. The project as a whole inherits the core gene of "Brocade System" and creates a new complex including Chuansha Enterprise Center, Chuansha 96 Square and Lujiazui Brocade Yunlan.In addition, the approximately 520,000 square meters complex built by Lujiazui seamlessly links Chuansha 96 Square and Splendid Yunlan by an aerial corridor, forming an exclusive home moving line from home to shopping mall.【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! This shopping mall will inherit the high-quality genes of the 96 Square of Century Avenue, or will introduce the Oluqi supermarket, first-line chain catering, parent-child entertainment, etc., gathering the strong lineup of Chuansha's first store, leading the new era of business in the area.(96 Square renderings)On the one hand, this means that the future owners will enjoy the convenience of going downstairs and bustling business, which is very rare!On the other hand, [Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan] Sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading the era of works! A well-earned business will attract surrounding residents to shop and consume here, and in the long run, it will easily form a regional center, forming a reputation and IP.Lujiazui Beautiful Yunlan will also be labeled as a "residence above the regional center", which is naturally different from other projects.Schematic drawing【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works! Lujiazui Group enables a better life to focus on creating an industrial ecology of "Lujiazui Big circle of friends". Achieve office, business, hotel, culture, exhibition, sports and other forms of resources sharing exclusive rights and privileges, enjoy a comfortable life.Owners of Lujiazui Fairview Yunlan and Fairview Mission LAN can enjoy the exclusive benefits of Chuansha 96 Square.At the same time, [Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan] sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) leading the era of works! Anyone who buys the new commercial housing sold by Lujiazui Group can enjoy all the preferential rental housing quota of Lujiazui Leju. (Including Lujiazui, Qiantan, Yuqiao, Zhangjiang area and other all rental housing, the specific leasing process and corresponding conditions to consult the marketing consultant.)Such an industrial ecology can only be achieved by Lujiazui Group, which grows together with Pudong.In addition, Lujiazui Beautiful Yunlan is located in the first station of Chuansha, about 750 meters away from Chuansha station, walking! (Data source: Baidu map) 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!About 1000 meters away from the project, there are many large mature commercial facilities such as Bailian Chuansha Shopping Plaza, Greenland East Coast International Plaza, Carrefour, etc., which can meet the daily shopping consumption needs. 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!The product strength of the whole project is absolutely outstanding in the whole Pudong, especially the opening of the real scene demonstration area, which further proves this.In addition to the launch of this batch of housing, whether it is the location of the building, lighting, apartment type or price are very advantageous, Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan really must see! 【 Lujiazui beautiful Yunlan 】 Sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (Sales center) Leading the era of works!
