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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:20    点击次数:111
当风吹过亮马河When the wind blows over the Liangma River,泛起的涟漪便是风的形状the ripples it stirs are the shape of the wind.春风里In the spring breeze,草木们都在丛生the grass and trees flourish in abundance.春天忙着为她们安排着时序和花期Spring is busy arranging its seasons and blooming periods for them.嘘!你听Hush! Listen,一座城A city又有了新的开端has embarked on a new beginning once again.在自然之息中In the breath of nature,寻找与大自然的深层联结seek a profound connection with nature,把房子“种”在花园里Houses take root in the garden,联通城市文明与诗意栖居connecting urban civilization with a form of poetic dwelling,与万物同频共振resonating in harmony with all things,让艺术触手可及making art accessible.自然界里的每一朵花In nature, every flower每一个植物or every plant它其实都是生命is a life肢体舞蹈其实就是来源于生命Dance is inspired by life来源于自然and nature一朵花的绽放不只是美The blooming of a flower transcends mere beauty它是生命的一种体现It is a profound manifestation of life itself——舞蹈艺术家 北京朝阳花园节花季推荐官 杨丽萍Yang Liping, Dancer and Floral Ambassador of the First Chaoyang Garden Festival in Beijing在草木间遇见诗意Finding poetic inspiration among the grass and trees,一园一花一品Each garden with a specific flower一路一花一叶A Journey Through Nature.一条绿道观朝阳Viewing Beijing Chaoyang Along the Greenways是风动亦是心动With wind stirring, the heart is touched with pleasure花园城市 美丽朝阳This Garden City, Beautiful Chaoyang,赋予自然各不相同的美bestows upon nature its unique beauty.无界 共生Boundless, symbiotic,多元 赋能Diverse, empowering,撷取四季更迭的色彩变迁Capturing the colors and changes of the seasons.拥抱贴近呼吸的自由自在Embracing the freedom of being close to breath.人们要身处一个美好的环境里People need to be in a beautiful and comfortable environment把美种到心里where they can nurture beauty in their hearts种到灵魂里and souls——舞蹈艺术家 北京朝阳花园节花季推荐官 杨丽萍Yang Liping, Dancer and Floral Ambassador of the First Chaoyang Garden Festival in Beijing一个动静皆宜的惬意空间A tranquil space suitable for both activity and stillness,一种返璞归真的生存哲学a philosophy of returning to simplicity, and一场自然人文的精神盛宴a spiritual feast of nature and humanity.春潮启动 万物生发As the spring tide rises, all things come to life.首届北京朝阳花园节The First Chaoyang Garden Festival in Beijing正在酝酿一场盛大花事is brewing a grand floral event.与你Together,共赴和谐共生的美妙约定let's embrace the wonderful communion of harmonious coexistence.监制:陈 婧统筹、撰稿:首席记者 张世玉制片、剪辑:冯 伟摄像:盛 明 周 旭设计:范一平
